Website Goals and Updates

General Information

Started in: 2022
Last updated: February 14th, 2023
People involved: 1, just me 🙂

Short Description of LagiLogi

I started building my website on Wix, but decided to change to WordPress after a month.

I made LagiLogi for the main reason to write about things I’m interested in, without having to see the possible judgements others might have about these things. To read the full reasoning, you can have a look at my blog post Why I made this website.

So, what else is there to find here?

There are 2 different tabs with everything you’d like to know.

  • The first tab has all Website updates, starting with the latest. If you’re interested in the updates of LagiLogi, then check back often!
  • The second tab shows the Goals I have for the website
  • The third tab is all Resources I use for the website.